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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
October 5, 2002 |
"Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fibre of a character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before".
-James Buckham
As you follow your journey to health and a thinner you, there will be pitfalls, temptations and even failures along the way. There is no such think as a perfectly straight path. We are human and at times our choices are not the best.. But do we give up and say...this is not for me, I can't do this anymore? I think not. It is these very times that strengthen our inner selves.. Instead of feeling defeat draw energy..... positive energy...... from these experiences and move forward. If I had stopped and did not continue the first time I faltered and stumbled on my journey... where would I be today? Prolly wearing a size 24/26 and eating unhealthy choices.. But I have forgiven my weaknesses on this journey, learned from them, and moved on...never looking back...for yesterday is gone... and now I am a size 6 and a pound and a half from my goal. I have used my poor choices and my temptations to strengthen who and what I am. The reason I failed so many times before and usually gained more weight than when I started the diet was that I could not forgive my mistakes. I did not learn from them. I used them as an excuse not to change my lifestyle. I only reinforced to myself that I was a failure. If one is to be successful, one has to realize one is not perfect. It is ok to strive for perfection, but just realize that is almost impossible to attain perfection. Be kind to yourself, accept your falters, don't linger there and dwell in defeat...pick yourself up and MOVE ON! You can do this!