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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
September 5,2002 |
Today was a weigh in day and finally I am down 2 more pounds for the total of 116 pounds... It is sooooooo amazing to me. I have 8 pounds to go to reach goal and it is just around the corner!!!
I talked with the people from Provida last night.. my plane has been s booked.. and I am ready to go.... leaving Sept 20th for the "shoot" for the infomercial... Last night it finally sunk in and I was like a mad women trying on clothes, trying to decide what to wear...and I still have no clue...guess I have two weeks to worry about this... As for what I am going to say...that is a whole other ballgame....but if I can help just one other overweight person find their health and sanity then it will all be worth it.
Sometimes I see an overweight person and I want to take them gently by the hand and tell them there is hope. There is something that really WORKS... no pills, no special food, no surgery...one can lose a great deal of weight on this program. One of my fellow MT'ers has lost an amazing 152.5 pounds...since January.. She is my hero...and she has worked so hard . There are so many people at the forum board that have helped me along the way... what a wonderful thing to have support just a computer stroke away(you don't even have to get out of your jammies).
For all of you who are looking and searching and dreaming, it is time to take the bull by the horns and take action. The support forum and chat forum can be found at:
Go for it, You will be glad you did!!!!!!