.xml"> August 11,2002



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Annie's Online Journal...2
August 11,2002

Accept everything about yourself -- I mean everything.
You are you and that is the beginning and the end -- no apologies, no regrets.
- Clark Moustakas

 For those of us who have gone through life being heavy it can be quite difficult to accept ourselves as we are.  Society discriminates against us. I do think that being obese is a disease, an illness,but in the real world there are many who treat us with very little compasssion. Unfortunately we wear our addiction for all to see unlike the drug addict,  and we can not give up our addiction like the alcholic..we need food to survive...We have no choice but to learn to be in control of food and when we lose that control, we need to accept that we have, forgive ourselves, and move forward.  I think expecting perfection from ourself is only a negative reinforcement that kindles the fires from within to make us not like who we are. We need to strive for perfection and know that no one is perfect....  People need to look beyond the shell and visit the person within.
It is time to accept who you are, love who you are, and if there are things about yourself that you don't like then change them. Make a list of ten things that you really like about yourself and put it in your wallet..pull it out whenever you need reminding of what a wonderful worthwhile person you are.