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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
June 12,2002 |
Anne, the merry one, joyful, gay
a busy world full of happy experiences-
always more ahead to be tried
"Sorry I look this way"dishevelled
a bit unkempt,"but I was in a hurry"
So many things to do, so much to cram in,
in such a short time.
The abililty-or is it the capability?
If it needs to be done I can do it
A bit of."the road to hell is paved....".
but not outweighing the vast number
of things that are accomplished.
"Sarah Heartburn"--merry, despairing
inordinately happy, wrathful, indignant,
the whole gamut for the whole world to see.
You are so loving and so loved.
Joanne Lahive Burdulis (my mother)
I found this poem the other day, when looking through some books. It was hand written by my mother(now deceased). She wrote it when I was sixteen, then waited until I was grown and married and stuck it in my Christmas stocking.
Boy, she had me pegged.."the whole gamut for the whole world to see." I guess some things never change.
She was a tiny bit of a woman, five feet tall, 90 pounds..She died when I was 24 and I have missed her every day since. I credit her with making me know that I was a worthy being, that I had good to offer the world, and even though I was always heavy, that there was so much more to a person. My mom taught me to love myself as I am and to use the gifts that God had given me in a positive way. It is because of her, that I have become the woman I am and I cant help but think she would be proud. I hope that I too will be as positive an influence in my children's lives, as she was in mine.