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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
August 14 ,2002 |
Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
- Lord Chesterfield
So how does one do the six week makeover and do it well? I believe it is by planning and being honest. The following is taken from my guestbook:
.Annie, I love your idea of carrying around the cooler with you, can you let us know what it is you keep in it. I am having a hard time thinking of what to take with me each day . Is there any place where you have listed a typical days menu? Would love to see that also.
I guess I never have said what a typical day is like for me...
I get up around 5am and start my day with a fruit smoothie(pastuerized egg whites, fruit and ice) then I either go to the gym and workout or if I am at the lakehouse I take a walk and then go back and weight lift.
I do eat my meals as close to the 2 1/2 hour point and have found one of those personal small coolers to be my savior. If I am gonna be out for the day or at work I pack some chicken and fruit( love dole's individual pinapple cup in its own juice). I usually pack two meals with this. I then cook a small potato and take one of my prefrozen ground turkey chili's and defrost it and throw it in a glad container along with the potato. I pack a lot of water, throw in some frozen ice packs and I am set for the day.
I have been known to eat at my desk, in the car, on the beach,in my boat, in the mall....anywhere I am when it is time.
You can make this program work, you just need to take the time to prepare that which you will need.
If anyone has any questions that they would like answered, either email me or leave a post... I will respond to them here.
Have a great day all.