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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
September 14, 2002 |
"I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday!" Anonymous
IT is getting to be so close to my goal I can taste it!! As of this morning I have 5.5 pounds to goal....so close yet so far away. My personal challenge is to be at goal a week from today, as I will be shooting the infomercial at that time! I also realize all that I can do is follow the program and what will be will be. I am getting really excited about meeting everyone. We are going to have a skinny party!! This weekend they have closed the forum (www.providacorp.com) for revision and it is 6:30 am on Saturday and I already miss not being able to go there for my morning fix of support. If you are not using the board and the people there as support, then you are missing out on a most important part of this program.
I believe that the reason this program works is a combination of the right tools:
drinking 100 ounces of water
six meals a day
support of others online
It looks to me as though I am gonna be at goal before my first year anniversary of starting this program and it is just mind boggling to me where this journey has taken me. One of the other reasons I think that this has been a successful program for me is that I have stopped putting my life on hold, during this journey I have done things that I had always said I will do it after I lose weight. My attitude this time was I am going to do whatever I am physically capable of, I am no longer waiting....and boy have I had fun as I travelled this road. Many have asked if I feel deprived or if I think I can handle this way of life forever. I have never felt deprived, I have allowed myself planned days off along the way..which has kept my peace of mind and also proven to me that I can eat off program in a controlled sense and get right back on when my planned hiatus is over...I have won this battle with the fat monster.. I am in control....As for... do I think I can handle this way of life forever...why look a gift horse in the mouth? I am happier and healthier and I have found a way with the help of the six week makerover to win the war against weight t . This way of life is mine and I couldn't be more thrilled!!!!!!
Have a great in control weekend!