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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
May31,2002 |
"Imagine yourself to be the type of person you want to be, and then be it.
You may have to let go of some of the bad habits and develop some more positive ones, but don't give up---
for it is only in trying and persisting that dreams come true.
Expect changes to occur, and realize that the power to make those changes comes from within you.
Your thoughts and actions, the way you spend your time, your choices and decisions determine who you are and whom you will become.
You are capable and worthy of being and doing anything.
You just need discipline and determination to see it through.
It won't come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time, but don't let that deter you.
Never give up.
Life is an ever-changing process, and nothing is final.
Therefore, each moment and every new day is a chance to begin anew."
Barbara Cage
Changing oneself is all in believing in one's capability to do so. If you really want something bad enough, then go for it. I think it means being really honest about your thoughts and actions. It can be most difficult at times...but weigh your decisions and actions, stop and really think is this what I want to do and what are the consequences....am I sabotaging my dreams for the moment?
The month of May has been the most difficult for me because of life events...graduation, traveling, a family wedding, living in a dorm with cafeteria food for 8 days. I did eat off program alot and was very worried that I would continue to do so once back at home and in my regular routine... I have even surprised my self for it seemed to be with little or no effort to return to the sanity of my eating program.
Just remember none of us are perfect, there will be times that bad choices are made, but the important thing, is to forgive yourself, let it go and get back on track. MTSWBMO really is a wonderful healthy plan and nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels.
Go for it...you can do this!!!!!