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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
August 30, 2002 |
If you value your hopes and dreams more than you value eating...YOU WILL MAKE IT
This time I know I am gonna make it! There is nothing that I value more than my new life with all its blessings. I never thought I would live to see the day that I was no longer fat.. What a great feeling. Ten pounds left, I wear a size 8 and today I like me both inside and out.
I have often refferred to this past year as "The year of Annie" It is just sooo true...I talked with Karen from Provida company and arrangements are being made for my flight to LA. I am going out to shoot an infomercial about Michael Thurmond's six week Makeover.. I am really excited and can't wait to meet the other losers I have come to know and love from the support board.
Now I am gonna have to decide what to wear...guess I will bring a huge suitcase full of my new wardrobe...lol
I just finished working the first week back at school... the hours have been long ones and I am looking forward to this labor day weekend. I have gotten right back on track and into the working mode... I get up around 430 am and head to the gym.. come home and prepare my food for the day( other than my supper) I put it in a cooler.... and take it with me...so no matter where I am I can eat on plan and on time... I always keep a couple of jugs of water in my car as well... It feels good to be back on a routine and in full control .
May you all have a wonderful holiday weekend shared with those you love!
There will be a live chat Monday 730 pm est ..just hit the chat button on my homepage and join us....all welcome!