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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
July 10,2002 |
The time has come, the Walrus said, To talk of many things: Of shoesand shipsand sealing wax Of cabbagesand kings And why the sea is boiling hot And whether pigs have wings. |
But wait a bit, the Oysters cried, Before we have our chat; For some of us are out of breath, And all of us are fat!
--Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland |
The time has come,we no longer have to be fat. The Michael Thurmond six week body makeover can show you the way. I find it rather amusing when I meet people I haven't seen for a bit. They ask me what medication am I on or if I have had a gastric bypass or if I have been sick.
When I say the only medicine I have taken is calcium...they look at me with like I have three heads. They just can't believe that an eating program can work as well as this one has.. I am not sure why they are so dumbfounded. Trust me I have been the route of phen-phen...lost quite a bit of weight, never slept and gained it all back when they took the drug off the market. I thank God there was no damage to my mitral valves. I also went as far as to make an appt to see a doctor about a gastric by-pass..but chickened out at the last minute.
I like everyone else just thought I was way to heavy to do it with lifestyle change alone. So if you are reading this journal looking for a solution you have come to the right place. This plan works, it is beneficial to your health and your peace of mind... Take the plunge, order the program, then work the program and reap all the benefits of a new you....
You no longer have to be fat...and I for one will never be fat again!