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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
August 12,2002 |
No age or time of life, no position or circumstance, has a monopoly on success. Any age is the right age to start doing!
- Gerard
Many people have written me inquiring about the plan and two things keep appearing. The first thing I hear all the time is that the person is over 40 and gone through the change and will this work for them...
I am 46 and have gone through the change and yes it does work. Whether one is 20 or 50, changing your lifestyle to a healthier way can only reap wonderful rewards. Perhaps those who are younger lose at a more rapid rate. But I am not unhappy with the length of this journey..hell it has been ten months now but I just remember it was 45 year journey to get where I was..so indeed it has been much faster to lose it, than it was to put it on.
The second thought I hear over and over again.. I just don't have the time to make the food, or exercise...I am far too busy with life. I am one of the busiest people I know...I never stop I am like and always have been like the ever ready bunny...going going going... So finding time is what one has to do. To do that one must decide what really is important to them. If you make your plan your priority you can accomplish that which you so desire. Many people have dreams, yet can't get themselve there. It takes planning, action and sacrifice to obtain dreams. My lifestyle has changed. I am always out of bed by 530 so I can exercise..other wise there would be no time in my busy day. I used to get out of bed 1/2 hour before I had to be at work...jump in the shower and leave. Not any more. I also cook ahead of time and package the food into individual servings and freeze them.. I keep a small cooler with me wherever I go. I have been known to eat as I am driving or working because it is time to. I think the key to success is in being flexible enough to do the plan correctly. Aren't you worth it?