.xml"> September 16,2002



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Annie's Online Journal...2
September 16,2002

It's not about pounds lost. It's about behavior changed.

As of this am I have lost 120 pounds, but at this point in my lifestyle change it is not about pounds lost and it is most definately about behavior changes.  I think there are many that can travel the journey, follow the plan and lose the weight.  I also think it is much more difficult to keep the weight off and maintain the the new behaviors.  Many see reaching one's goal as an end, but it is only a beginning.  Even when one reaches goal that fat monster lurks at every corner...waiting for one to lose control,  to stop focusing.....
 Because I am getting so close to goal...only four pounds left... I have been milling around with in my brain the plan I wish to follow.  There are three maintenance programs to chose from with the Michael Thurmond's six week body makeover;one just has to decide which one works for them.
My options will be to add to the eating program a bit at a time, or to take a day off a week and keep to the plan the other days, or to make up one's own maintenance.
 Right of the bat, I know the last is not an option for me, as I need more control and more structure than making up my own plan.  I have decided to go with one day off a week  at least in the beginning then reevaluate.  I also desire to lose 5 pounds lower than my goal for a "buffer zone."
As this journey is soon to take another bend in the road, this journal will end the day I reach goal...not to worry ..a new journal will be started... that of a maintenance journal.
Many may wonder why I talk of goal and my plans regarding it when I still have four pounds to lose. As I have said so many times over the last year..planning is the key to keeping focus.
"Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
            -- Winston Churchill (1874-1965)