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Annie's Online Journal...2 |
June 2,2002 |
"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want at the moment." - unknown
This quote sums it all up. I am forever reminding myself that the moment will pass and what choice have I made. Now that summer is upon us, I have to face a lot of choices. We own a lakehouse and spend most of the summer there. I have only been up twice since I started this new way of life.
To me the "Lakehouse Life" is one filled with relaxing, entertaining, eating ,and drinking. I am at the lakehouse now and have started to formulate my plan of attack for the summer. I arrived here yesterday, got in my suit, and as I was reaching for a glass for water, that wine glass was singing to me as well as all the snack food...so I grabbed an apple, my chicken ,and my water and took a ride in the boat with my husband. We have owned the boat for 25 years and as I was sitting in the bow, and eating an apple I said to him," I think this is the first time ever that I have eaten an apple on the boat."
He laughed and said,"You are weird."
I spent the day, enjoying the moment without sabotaging the future. I thought I had broken all my bad habits regarding eating . But yesterday it was like being on the plan for the first time..temptations were everywhere I think because of the environment here at the lake and how I have connoted it with pleasure and fun. In the past that meant sipping wine and eating. One day at a time... I know this will get easier. My journey is almost complete and summer is not going to be an obstacle!