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March 12, 2002 |
"The impossible is often the untried."
- Jim Goodwin
I think that " the impossible is often untried", fits the me of today. I am a former couch potato. I might have walked to the end of my driveway to get the mail. I used to smile when I heard that someone was taking up their precious spare time by going to the GYM!!!
I thought that they were prolly a health nut of sorts and that most of the people in the gym would be body beautiful guys in their twenties.. How wrong I was. At the gym I go to at 5 am six days a week(yes I agree that is a little obsessive..lol) that most are middle age people trying to get into shape.. There are as many women there as men..
I started the gym about six weeks ago and have been working a program that is wonderful. I weight train three days a week and right now walk on the treadmill for anywhere from 20 mins to an hour depending on how much time I have .
I always eat before I go...as recommended by the six week makeover. After I am done I feel so refreshed and full of life, what a great way to start the day. Now by only doing "the impossible" can I truly understand all the benefits one reaps...
If you are not doing any exercise.. try it... you may find you like it....I certainly have....
BTW I posted a 75 pound pic on my picture page yesterday, wearing the clothes that I took my before pic in... made me smile....
Have a great, healthy non couch potato kind of day...