March 29,2002 | March 28, 2002 | March 27,2002 | March 25,2002 | March 23,2002 | March 21, 2002 | March20,2002 | March 19, 2002 | Saint Patrick's Day | March 14,2002 | March 13, 2002 | March 12, 2002 | March 11,2002 | March 8,2002 | March 7,2002 | March 5,2002 | March 3, 2002 | March 1, 2002 | February28,2002 | February 26, 2002 | February 25,2002 | February 24,2002 | February 22, 2002 | February 21,2002 | February 20, 2002 | February 19, 2002 | February 18, 2002 | February 17,2002 | February 16,2002 | February 15,2002 | Valentines Day | February 13, 2001 | February11,2002 | February 10,2002 | February8,2002 | February 7,2002 | February 6,2002 | February 5,2002 | February 4, 2002 | February3,2002 | February 2,2002 | February 1,2002 | January 31,2002 | January30,2002 | Daily log for January 29,2002 | January28,2002 | Daily Log Page for 1/27/2002 |
February 24,2002 |
"Some of the harshest prisons do not have bars, But are no less effective in handing out life sentences And diminishing the human spirit. These prisons, whose walls are made from the bricks of hopelessness And held together by the mortar of pain and despair, And whose windows are covered with perceptions of inadequacy, Accepted limitations and shattered dreams, Are sadly, and often unknowingly, Created and maintained by the very one being condemned..."
D. S. Neviaser
Many have asked how I have managed to stay focused and lose the weight. I have been living this the program for nineteen weeks...I have used some strategies and will share them with you here, as they have helped me stay on target. In the beginning I did not go out to eat. It was on the 6th week that I went out to dinner,by that point I was able to resist temptation. If I was gonna be somewhere other than home, I packed my food..(once ate it in a parking lot before meeting friends for lunch, then just sipped coffee and drank water and enjoyed the company..not the food.).
I keep repeating the affirmation...nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels. I have been determined not to allow situations to sabotage me. I put myself and my new eating program first..above all else. I am sorry if I inconvienced someone, or "hurt" someone's feelings, but I have put time, money and effort into making ME healthier. I have gone to the movies, I sat at the end of the row, not in the middle where they are sharing popcorn. You can bet there is fruit and a piece of cold chicken in my purse.. I have even told a friend that I was on a new eating plan, and that I was trying to stay with it, please understand and don't try to sabotage me.
At first I got "the looks", like here she goes again...but as time as progressed, others have also accepted my new way of eating,in fact it has taken them longer to accept it than it has me. But now when they look at me I see respect.
Anyone who is reading my journal is here for a purpose..100 pounds overweight is unhealthy. We can not let anyone or any situation sabotage that which we are trying to repair...Stand tall, and firm..and if need be break the silence by saying, No Thank you..Remember you owe no one an explanation.... We can do this...