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Valentines Day


"An intimate relationship does not banish loneliness. Only when we are comfortable with who we are can we truly function independently in a healthy way, can we truly function within a realtionship. Two halves do not make a whole when it comes to a healthy relationship: it take two wholes."
Patricia Fry

Today is Valentines day. Love is in the air...I think the quote today really sums it all up. We have got to love ourselves so that we can truly love others.
Today is a special Valentine's Day for me for numerous reasons. I got a phone call from my hubby..HE WILL BE HOME TOMMORROW NIGHT. It seems like he has been gone for such a long time...I can't wait to see him, wondering what he will think of me becoming a
Today also marks the 18th week of being on the Michael Thurmond's six week body makeover..I have completed three full cycles. Unfortunately I stayed the same this week..but I think I have lost inches, (will write about that tommorrow). This is the first time that I hit a plateau.. God, I hate plateaus..this too shall pass, of this I am sure.
The third and final thing that makes this day so special is that today I love me. I have always loved the inner me but today I love who I am becoming...I love that I have lost 63 pounds, that I exercise six times a week now...I love that I am in control... that I can go to the "regular" side of a clothing store...that I can say no to temptations...and that I found a plan that works for me.
Yes, I have been blessed, a loving husband( can't wait to hug him) and two really wonderful kids with thier heads on straight........most of the time!
May you bathe in the warmth of love this Valentine's Day.
