Annies Online Journal

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Today is Monday, after a rather busy weekend. One of the things that I have come to realize is that the support that I receive from online is amazing. I really think it is the final piece that glues everything together.
I post at two forums.. One is:
Here I have come to know many people. There is a sharing at this board that goes beyond the diet. People really care about your life and the situations you face daily..they want you to succeed. At times we may be way off topic...but that works for us as a group. All are welcome.. there is usually a "live" chat on Sunday nights.
The second place I find support is:
This is the official site of Michael Thurmonds six week body makeover. There are about 4000 members and all subject are placed in catagories. It is a very efficient site and has a wonderful makeover specialist who will answer questions that you post. It is here I have found the motivation, and knowledge to continue to be successful.
The third place I find support is by surfing the net and reading personal accounts of others who have been successful. Their program makes no difference to me, for I think we are all individuals and must find what works for us. So go is amazing what you will find out there that will inspire you!!!
Although my family has been very supportive, none have walked in my shoes. They do not know how really difficult it is to battle the control issues, the persecution and discriminatory issues, health issues, failure issues..etc and so on. It is online that I am able to find those who really understand.
"..and this wonderful friend spoke to me of the saints and showed me even when I had outdone myself in absurdity I was not alone, I was not an ailing and incomprehensible exception, there were people akin to me, I was understood."