March 29,2002 | March 28, 2002 | March 27,2002 | March 25,2002 | March 23,2002 | March 21, 2002 | March20,2002 | March 19, 2002 | Saint Patrick's Day | March 14,2002 | March 13, 2002 | March 12, 2002 | March 11,2002 | March 8,2002 | March 7,2002 | March 5,2002 | March 3, 2002 | March 1, 2002 | February28,2002 | February 26, 2002 | February 25,2002 | February 24,2002 | February 22, 2002 | February 21,2002 | February 20, 2002 | February 19, 2002 | February 18, 2002 | February 17,2002 | February 16,2002 | February 15,2002 | Valentines Day | February 13, 2001 | February11,2002 | February 10,2002 | February8,2002 | February 7,2002 | February 6,2002 | February 5,2002 | February 4, 2002 | February3,2002 | February 2,2002 | February 1,2002 | January 31,2002 | January30,2002 | Daily log for January 29,2002 | January28,2002 | Daily Log Page for 1/27/2002 |
February 20, 2002 |
Confident of success
"No one is ever assured of success. Every undertaking carries with it some risk. Yet even though there is no assurance of success, some people are confident enough to get started. Some of those are confident enough to keep going in the face of obstacles and disappointments. And some of those are confident enough to persist until the success is actually achieved. Where does confidence come from? It comes from experience. Being confident comes as a result of acting confident.
What would you do today if you were confident of success? Do it. What first step would you take? Take it. How would you sit, how would you walk, how would you greet other people, how would you act if you were confident of success? Act that way and the confidence will come.
Yes, confidence takes a little blind faith at first. Soon enough, however, that confidence becomes real, supported and confirmed by actual experience. Act confident and you'll begin to be confident. Be confident and you'll have what it takes to bring your goals into reality."
-- Ralph Marston
He Says it all! Go be confident this day it starts with the first step. Our goals are obtainable...obstacles are meant to be climbed.