It has been quite sometime since I have written in my journal There truly is a reason for it, I have been down right busy. Last Monday I left for LA to do an all day shoot on Tuesday for the infomercial, " Michael Thurmond's Six Week Body Makeover".
I am living my dreams and opportunities that never would have been within my reach have surrounded me. I won't kid you I work hard at maintaining my weight and my health and it has been oh so worth it.
I had a great time in La.. working all day Tuesday, Dolores(body makeover specialist at Provida) and I had a blast together while I was visiting. I trained with her trainer on Wednesday morning..Hugo was simply wonderful... We then left to go to a spa in the desert. We did massages, mud baths, hot mineral pools and even underground at the grotta we were covered in green slime then sat in a steamy rock cave. The best part of it all was spending time with Dee.. laughing and enjoying each others company. It was such a treat because she lives on the West coast and I live on the east coast.
It ended all too soon.. all of the people at Provida, the crew on the set..simply everyone was wonderful. I returned home late on Thursday night, only to get up and work all day Friday.
Then it was off to New York City at 5 am Saturday to do a girl's weekend. We did it all... Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Empire State building, Time square, Fifth Avenue, Macy's, we even went to the broadway show, "Rent" it was delightful!
I got home Sunday night at Midnightt, only to leave at the crack of dawn on Monday for the lakehouse as a new wood stove was being delivered and I had to be there. I stayed there until Tuesday at dinner time as I had to do the"break-in fires"
Well I am now back into my regular routine and I am very happy to say that I did not gain weight during my whirlwind week, I managed to maintain!
Have a great on plan day!